American Indonesian Chamber of Commerce


Virus Update #93 December 13, 2021

Corona Virus Update #93 December 13, 2021

Cumulative number of reported cases: 4,258,752 (as of December 13)

  • Deaths: 143,923
  • Fatality rate: 3.3%

Rupiah to US: 14,346
Jakarta Stock Exchange Index: 6662.87
Reserves (US$ Billions): $145.858 (November 30)

Overview- Mobility Restrictions Rescinded

With detections continuing to fall dramatically, the Government cancelled its plans for year-end mobility restrictions. The 7-day moving average (7DMA) of daily new cases fell 28% to 223. The 7DMA daily death rate is 10.2.

Boosters for the elderly and first vaccinations for children aged 6-11 will be made available soon. Vaccinations for children will be required so they can attend public schools. The boosters would likely be made available in January.

Apparently, the arrival of more doses of Pfizer, Modena, and Astra Zeneca vaccines may have increased hesitancy, leading to a diminution of the daily jab rate to only 1.1 million. Anecdotal reporting is that the Chinese Sinovac has the reputation of having no side effects while the others do (fever). The Health Ministry believes that many regions are waiting for Sinovac and could be using the vaccines from the US and UK that they already have.

Travel- Quarantine Still 10 days

Even though rates have fallen, the 10 day quarantine remains in effect, as a safeguard against the Omicron variant.

View travel restrictions here.


·     Retail Sales Improve: Retail sales are up to their highest level since the Delta variant took hold in May, 2021. Retailers expect sales to improve to a six-month high in November, signaling a continued recovery in domestic consumption, according to a Bank Indonesia (BI) survey. BI reported Friday that the retail sales index had risen 10.1 percent year-on-year (yoy) to 199.7 in November, the highest level since May, the month before the Delta wave took hold of the country, when it was 227.5. Consumption is still behind what was pre-pandemic(2020).

·     Bank Mandiri Forecasts Deposit and Credit Growth: Bank Mandiri chief economist Andry Asmoro said credit and deposit growth was expected to exceed the bank’s forecast for this year at 3 and 8 percent, respectively. Before the Delta wave, the bank forecast a 5 percent credit growth for this year. The bank also indicated that COVID-related restructuring loans is also declining.

·     Omnibus Law revisions: Parliament has come to an agreement with the government to take up a revision in early 2022 of the law on forming legislation (Law #12/2011), which needs to add sections on the omnibus method in compliance with the recent Constitutional Court decision. The court gave the government two years to make the necessary revisions.

·     Conoco Leaves Indonesia: :U.S. oil and gas producer ConocoPhillips formally quit Indonesia, selling its assets there for US$1.355 billion to domestic energy company Medco Energi Internasional. It will remain active in the Asia Pacific through its Australian ventures. Once dominant in Indonesia’s energy industry, the US has only one company left, Exxon Mobil. Chevron left in 2020.

Foreign Affairs-

Blinken in Indonesia: US Secretary of State began his 4 day visit to southeast Asia in Indonesia by meeting President Jokowi. After speaking boldly about Russia’s encroachments in Ukraine, Blinken was expected to shift attention to China. In his meeting with Widodo, Blinken “expressed support for Indonesia’s leadership in the Indo-Pacific as the world’s third-largest democracy and a strong proponent of the rules-based international order,” the State Department said. “Pleased to meet with Indonesian President Joko Widodo today to discuss how the United States and Indonesia can work together to preserve security and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific,” Blinken tweeted after the meeting.

(sources: International and Indonesia news media, Bali Update (from, Reformasi Weekly, US Embassy website)